From your demo request when you first learned of eBlu Solutions, through your “Go Live Training”, we’ve done our best to prepare you for any roadblocks you might experience when verifying patient benefits. The truth is, no matter how prepared you are, there will undeniably be some instances along the patient journey that you aren’t sure what to do about. We’ve compiled our list of top 3 reasons we receive secure messages from our over 4,000 users to help give you a little guidance. We’ll walk you through what each is and how you can correct them, but most importantly, how you can avoid them altogether.
- Needs Provider Review (NPR) – When eBlu Solutions sends a call sheet back to the provider due to things like incorrect DOB, the Member ID, or even something as simple as missing the patient’s middle initial could have discrepancies, or the insurance has “termed”, you may see a message in the system that the patient’s information is “NPR”. Missing information could potentially cause the patient significant time in starting therapy. You can avoid delay in treatment by ensuring that you have the most current insurance card on file in eBlu for the patient. Here’s another quick tip: Be consistent in checking your messages in the eBlu Solutions portal. We’ll alert you when there’s an issue so you can correct the problem and send the benefits back for review –
updating their original information will be more efficient than submitting the BI again. You can find additional NPR tips and tricks in our Resource hub as well. - Fixing ID numbers and Benefit discrepancies – You’ve taken the steps needed to fill out patient information. Still, you’re seeing errors kick back in the system like “benefit discrepancy,” or you just need help correcting ID numbers. You can avoid this situation altogether by providing a copy of the Patient’s insurance card. This will provide eBlu Solution’s call support with the pertinent information they need to return benefits without any issues in the data. Even simple things like an incorrect middle name or a misspelling can through the results off. The patient ID card will allow us to track the information down at the ID level. The insurance card will also provide our callers with the correct department information so they can make calls on your behalf even quicker.
- Failed at a payer – Often, there will be an issue on the payer side. Perhaps Medicare is having an issue in their system, or BlueCross/Blue Shield had an
outrage of some sort. The eBlu Solutions portal will alert you of any payer issues to keep you informed on your patient’s BI or PA status. Watch for messages from eBlu as we stay on top of informing you of patient status.
The eBlu Solutions caller support team is here to guide you through a successful patient journey. Call us if you need additional training on eBlu or want to walk through the process with a support lead. We’re happy to help!