There’s a lot of talk about electronic prior authorization (ePA) and how it should become the go–to method for streamlining the prior authorization process. This technology is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, making it easier than ever for healthcare providers to submit and receive prior authorizations.
We’ve put together our top four list of the benefits to implementing an electronic prior authorization software into your specialty practice’s workflow.
1. Increased efficiency: Electronic prior authorization (ePA) allows healthcare providers to submit and track authorization requests electronically, eliminating the need for manual paperwork and phone calls. This reduces the time it takes to process requests, so care can be delivered faster. Freeing up that time allows the clinician and practice staff more time to focus on patient care.
2. Reduced administrative costs and overall healthcare costs: The use of electronic prior authorization (ePA) is expected to have a positive impact on healthcare costs. By streamlining the authorization process, ePA helps to reduce administrative costs associated with manual prior authorization. Electronic prior authorization can reduce administrative costs by streamlining the authorization process. It can automate the process of obtaining pre-approval for medical procedures, medications, and services, eliminating the need for manual paperwork, faxes, and phone calls. This can reduce the amount of staff time and effort needed to complete the authorization process, as well as reduce administrative costs associated with printing, filing, and mailing documents. Additionally, electronic prior authorization can provide real–time access to detailed information about medication, dosage, and cost, making it easier to make informed decisions.
Electronic prior authorization also helps to speed up the processing time of prior authorization requests, reducing the amount of time that providers and payers spend on the process. Additionally, ePA can reduce the amount of time that patients wait for authorizations to be processed, which can also help to reduce healthcare costs. Finally, ePA can help to reduce medical errors and unnecessary tests, which can also help to reduce healthcare costs.
3. Improved accuracy: Electronic prior authorization reduces the risk of errors associated with manual processing, improving accuracy, and reducing the potential for costly mistakes. Electronic prior authorization can increase accuracy by streamlining the prior authorization process. This includes using software like eBlu Solutions to complete the necessary forms and submitting them quickly and accurately to the right payers. Additionally, electronic prior authorization can reduce the amount of time it takes to get an authorization, as well as reduce errors due to manual data entry. Electronic prior authorization can also reduce the amount of paperwork associated with the process.
4. Better patient care. Electronic prior authorization (ePA) can reduce the amount of time it takes to receive authorization and reduce the chances of an authorization being denied due to an incorrect or incomplete form. ePA also gives providers more visibility into the authorization process, allowing them to track and monitor the status of an authorization request in real–time. This can quickly alert providers to any potential issues with an authorization, giving them the opportunity to make any necessary changes and ensure the patient receives the care they need. In addition, ePA can help to reduce the administrative burden on staff, freeing up more time to focus on patient care.
There you have it. Electronic prior authorization is a great way to streamline the prior authorization process for both healthcare providers and payers. It can save time, reduce costs, and improve the accuracy of the authorization process. By reducing paperwork and manual data entry errors, electronic prior authorization can help reduce delays in care, improve patient satisfaction, and reduce administrative burdens. Electronic prior authorization is a great way to simplify the prior authorization process and ensure the best possible patient care.