Electronic Prior-Authorization
Struggling with knowing when a prior authorization (PA) or pre-determination (Pre-D) is required? Can’t find the right prior authorization form? eBlu Solutions can help. We save you valuable time by providing the right payer and product-specific PA form for your patient.
For every patient you enter into our system, we’ll validate whether or not an authorization is required and provide you with the most up-to-date prior authorization form for the prescribed medication from the payer. We provide options for submission to the payer.
Finally, a solution for monitoring and tracking prior authorizations from start to finish all in one portal. We provide views to help you take proactive action for patients with expiring prior authorizations.
Prior Authorization Tracking
We understand the importance of tracking expiring Prior Authorizations. In an effort to achieve more streamlined processes centered around the Prior Authorization process and tracking of PA statuses, our software solution will notify you of any changes in a patient’s PA status. You’ll know exactly where your patient is in the process so there is no delay or pause in their life-changing treatments.